A Stable Start

Small Group Daytime Tutoring
(8 years +)
£48 per day
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
10am - 3pm
Suitable for 8 years+
Half day or Full day options.
Maths, Literacy & Topic activities.
Promoting life skills, problem solving and critical thinking.
Encouraging peer-to-peer learning, developing further understanding & social skills.
Unique experiences, combining theory with outdoor learning, to inspire your child’s curiosity and ignite their ‘internal flame’ (including woodland walks and animal care).
1:1 Out of Hours Tutoring
(5 years +)
£30 per hour
Monday - Thursday
4pm - 7pm
Suitable for 5-11 years.
Predominantly in the areas of Maths, Literacy & Science.
Ideal as 'top-up' sessions to build on existing skills.
One-off sessions or stand alone sessions or as a series (package).
Equine Facilitated Education
£48 per day
During Half Terms, Easter and Summer Holidays
Equine Facilitated Education has been proven to help the development of several transferable life skills as well as having a great beneficial effect on an individual's well-being, reducing symptoms of anxiety & helping to support people with special educational needs or mental health disorders.
Some of the opportunities we provide include:
Stable management,
Basic animal welfare,
Grooming & maintenance,
Observing hoof care, dentistry & physiotherapy.
Please refer to our 'Equine Facilitated Education' page for more information.